Please donate to help the Sunrise Middle School (SRMS) PTO provide support to the Sunrise staff, students, and community. Your donation will go towards the following:
* Issuing teacher mini grants to purchase items that are not covered under normal district funding.
* Supporting many of the programs and clubs at the school including Dance/Theater, Mandarin, NJHS, Robotics, Special Education, STUGO, etc.
* Providing monthly meals and snacks, filtered water service, and coffee supplies to our hard-working and well-deserving staff.
* Showing our appreciation through daily events, meals, and gifts during national Staff Appreciation Week in May.
* Organizing meals during late night conferences twice per school year.
* And much, much more!
SRMS PTO is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, so your donation may be tax deductible. Please consult with your tax advisor for complete information about the tax deductibility of the gift.
Thank you for your donation and for supporting education!
With gratitude,
Sunrise Middle School PTO